


Seriously, TGIF. This week is finally coming to an end and of course, as my luck has it, it's a bumpy beginning to the end of my week.

The girls and I were doing great on time this morning, I snapped this picture of Vay after buckling Lucky into her car seat...
(thanks TiaTaco for the shirt!)

And my car, the wonderful Storm Trooper, won't start. Yep, on time but without a running car. Thank goodness the hubbs and family all sprung into action. Nana Tula picked us up, took us to Nana Emilia's, where I jumped out and took her car to work and they all went to Tula's where Emilia took Tula's car for an appointment. Thank God for family! It was a morning of musical cars. We're going to have to examine the storm trooper this evening :(. 

Once I get to work, my mouse died as well as my phone. Awesome. Oh well, I guess it could all be worse. The boss man said bad things happen in threes so that better be it. You hear that universe? 


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