

Emotional Level: 10

To say that this has been the most emotional roller coaster of a week is an understatement.

My week began normal. It was the last week here at my reception desk, was training and being trained, and then we had an abrupt jolt hit the family. Vic called me and told me he was being taken to the hospital via ambulance from the clinic at work.

Wait, what?! Yup.
 He went to the clinic because his heart was beating too fast and as soon as they did an EKG they called the ambulance. I freaked out and left work immediately. They then said they needed to keep him over night to monitor his heart. I have to tell you, that was thee toughest thing to sit there and decide if I was going to leave the girls with family overnight and be with him or leave him by himself and take the girls home. I ended up going home to be with the girls (he doesn't like the attention anyway haha) and went back in the morning.
Turns out he has arrhythmia. A fast (too fast) irregular heart beat. Thank God all of the other tests came back negative. He wasn't diagnosed with anything else or any causes for the arrhythmia. All we can do is make sure his heart beat doesn't spike again, take preventive medications and follow a cardiac diet. 
Now he's home resting (as much as he can). I've stayed pretty calm, I think. But this has been one of thee emotional weeks ever! When I came back to work I was closing all loose ends and was given a sweet 'congratulations' get together by my friends and coworkers. They gave me the nicest good bye card (scrap booked card I might add, lol it's rad) and said sweet things. On top of that I got the nicest welcome-to-the-team emails! Great team in the past and so far, great team in the future. Someone is definitely looking out for this girl ;). 

Hopefully things calm down and only good news comes back from the cardiologist. 


Shannon said...

Omg Libbs!!! I'm really glad he's okay! DANG IT YOU being at your new position today so I can't IM you asking about it! (p.s GOOD LUCK TODAY!)

When you get a minute I wanna hear more about all this!

Libby A. said...

Thanks Shann! Good IM talks lol. And GOOD LUCK to you too Missy! :)


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