

a "WHOA" moment.

Have you ever have one of those, “Whoa, I’m a grown-up” moments?

Last night I had a big one and it kind of made me feel good inside. Not the part about being a grown-up, but the part that I’m thankful for…the parts that make me a grown up.
Last night at 10pm Vayda was fast asleep on the couch, Lori in the crib and Vic was relaxing in our room watching TV. I grabbed a blanket to cover Vayda, picked up some toys, turned the Christmas tree lights off, and went and snuggled by the hubbs. The second I sat down it hit me…whoa, I’m a mom and a wife and we’re here all cozy at home. There is SO much to be thankful for!

I get so caught up living moment to moment that when I do stop and look around and take things in, sometimes it’s a shock.

Ever have those moments?

Vayda getting a little too close to Julien lol @ the J&V Christmas Shindig

Gettin down!

Our little munchkin, rokin' the Moon Eyes Tee from Uncle Dan


Momma K said...

I have those moments too! Sometimes they make me wonder where the time went.

Libby said...

Same here!


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