

it's a BOY!

Our family grew by 4 paws!

That’s right, as if we didn't have enough going on already, we adopted a puppy dog :)! Our neighbor volunteers at many different shelters and when she found out that we were interested in adopting in the future she began sending emails with potential bff’s galore.

She told us about a really special pup she had her eye on and for some reason she thought he’d be perfect for us. We saw a picture and fell in love. Well when the day came around that he was available to adopt, another family came in and swooped him up. I was bummed but was glad there was already a family who wanted to love him too. A week later she stopped by and told us that they took him back because they were unaware they couldn't have pets where they lived. We said we’d take him and two days later she was on our doorstep with him. He’s so precious I can’t stand it!

His stats:

Mastiff/pitbull mix…that we know of
About 2 months old
HUGE paws ;)
And weighed 25lbs when he got his first set of shots

He’s gonna be a big boy :D

So here he is, Gus (Augustus) Arreguin 

Looking for a new BFF? Adopt a pet! We're strong believers in saving lives...go check out what's available near you at or visit your local humane society :)

Happy Friday!
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