


We have spent 36 weeks counting down to today. Both Vic and I are MORE than ready to welcome little Miss Lori! And yet, our patience is still being tested. In Dr. Huskey's words,(with little grin on her face) "wow, so you haven't been this pregnant before?" Um, nope! I mean, Vayda didn't come that early, it was just ten days, but right now that feels like an eternity!

I'm doing my best to stay positive, patient and thankful that we even made it to this point. I have had a great pregnancy so far and the baby and I are both healthy. I shouldn't ask for more than that. It may be a few more days, a week or two, or who knows...maybe tonight. I guess it's all in the excitement. I need to remember we are not in control and this is just a test of patience. I need to let my body do it's thing. At the same time I am trying to enjoy this calm before the storm (as much as my mind will let me), because who are we kidding, when everything does begin to move, it will move FAST, then there is no slowing down or turning back! Baby Lori will let her place be known in our little (but growing, :P) Arreguin clan.

So until that breaking moment (I'm crossing my fingers the water breaks again before the contractions begin haha), I am going to do my best to enjoy the not so quiet, it's still just us and our Vay, moments :). Thank goodness my mom is still here too! She is doing a great job of keeping me and my mind occupied. Thank you mom, it really does mean a lot!

We still have a few little nesting projects I would like to get done around the house, so today is the day for that. Oh, and another Dr. appt this afternoon. Update to come.



Lindsay Estrada said...

Oh man, hang in there Libby! I can't imagine how it must feel. All the anticipation and waiting. I'm starting to get antsy, but still have 6.5ish weeks, oy!! Thinking of you and wishing you a good delivery (and soon!). :)

Anonymous said...

Hey ARREGUINS!!! I cannot wait to see that lil beautiful face of baby Lori!! Please keep me posted!!I pray like you blogged, that your water breaks before contractions. I myself have never experienced birthing children yet but many seen many experiences with my friends. I hope yours is easy , calm, peaceful, joyous and faaaasssst!!! I miss you all .. keep up with the bloggin mommas , I love it !!! LOVE YOU GUYS MUCHO!!


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