

Despicable Me (three) Party: Part 3

I'm still breathing! After a long blog break, I think I'm ready to get back on the wagon...what got me back? A blog feature!!! :)

My party bags were featured over at Moms &Munchkins. Cheryl posted a great round-up of Despicable Me party ideas, make sure you check that post out! Thank you for the shout out Cheryl!

Below I have a bit more details about those fun party bags...enjoy!

Materials Needed: 

goggles printed on card stock click for printable file (You can edit this doc. through Word as well to adjust the size if needed)
glue stick
thick black sharpie
blue construction paper
blue marker

Optional: black construction paper

Because you can find party bags in so many different sizes, I don't have measurements for the overalls. I simply placed the blue construction paper under a bag, traced the width and cut out a template. I used that one and cut the "arm holes" out. Make sure you save that first overall as a template to use and trace the rest out before gluing them to the bags with your glue sticks. 

Once you have the overalls on, cut out the goggles you printed. Place them on your bag to measure where you want them and cut off the excess ends of the goggles to fit the bag. 

Use the glue stick and glue to the top of the bags, leaving enough paper on the top for kids to hold/fold over. 

Next, grab your sharpies and draw on those cute sideways smiles, circles for buttons on the overalls and the pocket on the front...if you have time (which you probably do because you're not doing this the night myself) make a pocket shape out of blue/black paper and glue it to the front of the overalls. 


Please comment if you have questions...I know I'm not the best at tutorials, but I will answer all of your questions!
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  1. You're nuts.

    PS Want to have a pajama party while I'm there? I mean, making pajama party, for all the kids, all 7 of them?

  2. Oh my gosh, how CUTE! I'm wishing I was doing a Despicable Me party for my baby (turning 1 next month) because she LOVES that movie! Okay, she's only watched it once but she was so into it. But she loooooves to carry the dvd with her everywhere she goes in the house :) It's hilarious! I think she loves the minions!
