

Post Thanksgiving 2011

I didn't take that many pictures this Thanksgiving (forgot my camera at home), but the ones I did are pretty special if I do say so myself. I'm so thankful that my girls get to enjoy my Oma. We are so blessed with her in our lives! I've never met a stronger woman. And SO inspirational!

Oma, Great Oma, Vayda and Lori. Oma was trying to teach Vayda the "Teddy Bear" song

Oma was trying to teach Vayda the "Teddy Bear" song, click here to see how big Vayda has grown since their last lesson!!

Priceless, Oma hadn't met Lori yet! They were inseperable!

sweet sweet besos

her thighs are stuck, but does she care?! haha love that little smile!

Oh hey, my first pecan pie!! The reviews were great :D